Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We've been REALLY nerfed.

Merry Christmas!

Items of great and aggravating importance:

Healer's Sash:  No longer an encounter power, no longer an immediate reaction.  Now a daily-power method of giving someone someone else's healing surge as a minor action.  Still good, but not nearly as good as it was before.

Careful Attack: This is for Xan, and it's a buff - Careful Attack is now a +2 to hit attack that deals 1W + ability mod.  Before, I'd say don't take it - but hey, this is pretty good now.

Footwork Lure: It's pull 1 square only now, and I have to be adjacent to get the pull effect.  Crap!

Fleeting Dweomer: Daily power now.  Crap!

Magic Weapon: Now a power bonus instead of unnamed.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Submitted for approval: Legendary Artisan


Creation is the ultimate truth, and the ultimate goal of all sentient beings.  It is your everlasting destiny to give your visions reality.

Prerequisites: 21st level artificer

(Flavor text goes here.  The legendary artisan takes the act of creation to a preternatural level, seeking out their inspiration in the fundamental workings of the universe.  They identify with their creations as they would their own flesh, and begin to take a flexible view of life.  After all, the body - much like a tool, or a work of art - may be destroyed, but things can still be created to replace, or improve on, the original.)

Immortality: (Flavor text goes here.  Plenty of room to strike out as a crafter of worlds.)

Legendary Artisan Features:

Fire of Creation (21st level): Your Constitution score increases by 2, and you gain fire resistance 20 and lightning resistance 20.  When crafting a magical item, the cost of creating the item is reduced by half. (Disenchanted items still yield 20% of their base item cost.)


Life's Work (24th level):  Once per day, when you die, your spirit flees from your body and enters any magical item currently being used by one of your allies within 20 squares.  While within an item, you may not be the target of any attack.
 As long as the item is equipped by a creature, until the end of the encounter, you may act through the item as if you occupied the same square or squares as its bearer. On your turn you may use a minor or a standard action, and may not use move actions. You may make attacks and use powers through the item as if it were an artificer implement with a +6 enhancement bonus. If you are occupying a weapon, you may use that weapon for powers with the weapon keyword as if you were wielding it; if the item is an artificer implement, you use the item's enhancement bonus instead. In addition, you may use the item's powers as if you had the item equipped; if the item power used is a daily or encounter power, that power does not count as expended for the actual bearer.  (Use of a daily item power still counts as one of your item power uses for the day.)
 At the end of the encounter, after a short rest, your spirit returns to your body if it is still present.  You return to life with 1 hit point. If your body is missing, you will need other magic to return to life.


Unfettered Artifice * Utility 26

Freed from the boundaries of mind, your inspired impulse sparks from ally to ally as their spent magical tools hum with power.

Daily * Arcane

Standard Action * Close burst 10

Target: You and each ally in burst

Effect: Each target regains a daily item power use for the day, and recovers the use of one expended daily item power of their choice.


Equivalent Exchange (30th level): You may transmute any magic item into a magic item of equivalent level or lower.  Doing so requires five minutes spent working the item's physical and magical shape into its new form.


(After feedback from David, have revamped the epic destiny, added the last feature it needed, and reflavored it a bit.  Thoughts?)

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Theory of Natural Dominance

Sakuto University

Professor Charles Narwin

The Theory of Natural Dominance

Fellow scholars and practicing archaists, I have been in touch with many of you, and my theory of selective natural survival, or Natural Dominance has been a subject of much debate. I wish to offer a counter argument to the Wu Tai University’s Isaac Kolin. You say that the spread of the D.W. Jungle is an act against nature, and its spread will destroy all the different plant forms on the shard. That the spread of D.W. Jungle is essentially an evil act. However, is it not the dominance and spread of humanoid raced across the shard, complete and utter dominance of our livestock similar in its pure essense? Humanoid races, such as homo-sapiens, homo-elvenian, homo-hobgoblinius, and etc, spread through the shard destroying any and all species opposing them without even a second thought? Is it not considered an evil act to kill displacer beasts by thousands, if they chose to hunt down a humanoid creature for food? It is not considered evil that the homo-elvenian eladira wiped out many hundreds of magical beast species in the feywild, so they could live unthreatened?

So, I say to you Sir Isaac Kolin of the Wu Tai University, that humanoid creatures are exactly the same in as the D.W. Jungle. This force of nature sweeps across the shard, and shapes the world how it sees fit for its own purpose. Perhaps when the sentient jungle reaches the same capacity as the humanoid races, it will chose to destroy homo-elvenian species for killing almost all of the homo-elvenian drowasi. Or it will find pity and allow small portions of a deciduous forests or desert ecology to grow. It is after all, the humanoid races that send out kill squads of adventures that travel the multiverse, kill and slaughter anything that gets in the way, and collect whatever bounty that they set their eyes on at the time. As far as we know, this D.W. Jungle is only trying to expand for a sense of survival, which is admirable for humanoid, but heretical for a non humanoid race.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We've been nerfed!

Rules updates for 4th Edition:http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/UpdateNov2009.pdf

Items of interest:

Sorako: Bloodclaw Weapon got nerfed from "At Will" to "Encounter".  Bad news: that's gonna kill our damage output.  Good news: Sorako gets an intervention for his self-destructive behavior. :P (As consolation, you only use the power if you hit; no damaged-on-a-miss effect here.)

David: The "Brutal Enchantment" got nerfed down to a maximum of brutal 1, and doesn't affect already-brutal weapons.  So much for stack-overflowing dagger attacks.

Rook: Agile Opportunist's forced-movement opportunity attacks got changed into immediate reactions.  Looks like I'm not taking that feat after all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

lvl 18 loot sneak peak.

Crimson Gauntlets lvl 21 (Unique. You may only wield one unique item)

Hands Slot item (Rogues may not equip this item)

Properties: you gain +2 item bonus to stealth, whenever you have C.A. your to hit bonus is +3 instead of regular +2. (At level 21 this bonus is +4)

Encounter: Free Action. If you hit against a target granting you C.A. you may deal sneak attack damage as through you were a rogue of equivalent level.

Daily: Free Action. Until the end of this turn, you may make basic attacks using minor actions. You can apply sneak attack damage on one of these attacks, even if you do not have C.A. The sneak attack does not count against the items encounter use, or against sneak attack from any other source, such as multi classing or other means.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tavern Tales for the Stormcrows

Two days after the Stormcrows depart for Balieth's Shield, New Arkosha has receives a flight of gold and silver dragons recently, and the leadership of the city is currently entertaining the guests under a heavy cloak of secrecy. Rumors spread that something significant is afoot.

Two days later, six dwarvish engineers and a cadre of three hundred dwarvish laborers descend from the Holds and arrive in Wu Tai. There they meet with the Archmage of the College and proceed to take an airship to New Arkosha.

In Kellie, the Great Oak has grown seventy feet in one week. The druids protecting it have been pruning it and sending the wood overland to Gods' Union. From there, many humans have been seen floating the wood down the river Corellai to Rock Oematt via the Jannaswash. The Stone Guards of the Rocks have begun outfitting a massive section of the harbor for airship construction. The planned drydock appears to be larger than any in known history.

Very serious threats have arisen in the trade network of the halflings.

Dragons have been observed fighting high in the air all around the Shard.

Rumblings in the earth near the newly raised volcanos have got many tieflings and dragonborn retreating from these areas, fearing another invasion.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hey Crow's !

This is Nathan Highwater. I know you guys are often busy with saving the world and whatnot, probably on some great adventure. Knowing you its probably something outrageously epic like hunting a Tarasque or waging war on some Super Evil Devil. But here in the East, near the great swamp were having some problems. Normally I would bother you with smaller stuff, but this seems of a larger caliber.

Some sort of plague or outbreak. Nothing big or dangerous at first. As the time progressed, its been getting worse and worse. People were getting sick, now they are dying. They are dying faster and faster, spreading some sort of gas out of their lungs when they die. And now some joker showed up on a large black dragon and proclaimed himself the king of the jokers. Doesnt seem so bad tho, his dragon is unhealthy, skin is sagging, bones are pocking through. As far as dragons go, id say hes almost dead, shouldnt be a problem for you, at least the way my cousin described you guys.

This fool flies around and tries to look damn cool with his used dragon, and some fancy sword that he keeps talking to, yelling at it to "Shut the hell up" and "NO, i DONT know who KAS is, and I dont GIVE a DAMN if he is coming"

Hobgoblins have brought down their legions and were tackling the problem for a while, but most have left, and the rest wonder around in the swamp blabbing gibberish.

Im not sure if its a good thing, or a bad thing, but a bunch of winged dudes showed up and set up camp within the forrest. They arent to bothered about what mother nature intended, because they burn and seed the ground with salt around their camp. Often they go out and burn things.

This is probably nothing, but some sort of Jungle like growth has been appearing in the Forrest. Its unlike we have seen before, growing where ever it wants. Definitely not from around here, because it almost looks like its changing the landscape around it.

Like I said many problems we got here. If things dont get better, were going to move the camp down the river a bit, cant afford getting any more of our people sick. Cousin flies his toy around the forrest trying to figure out whats going on. Needless to say, he will probably get reelected, Named his boat Planet Express for some reason. No idea what planet is...

Anyway, if you are in the neighborhood, come visit us.

Nathan Highwater.

(The letter looks crumpled and weakened by the elements, with some evidence of some insects trying to make it into lunch. The date places this letter several weeks ago from the current date)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The rakshasas' loot

Out of the small party of shape-shifting rakshasa, one is dead, two are unconscious, and one has surrendered under duress and not a small amount of Fear.  He introduces himself as Raji.  He seems unwilling to prevent you from looting the fallen, but is not interested in giving you his things.  He gives you the names of his surviving co-conspirators: the Judge Eve impersonator is Raschid, and the mage-turned-assassin is Sonia.

Raschid has:

Four platinum rings with various inlaid gemstones (and a definite bias towards rubies), each worth 2,000 gp each.

A stunning blue-and-red cloak, embroidered in threads of gold and mithral.  It's clearly the sort of thing worn either by royalty, or a complete plutocrat, and is worth 15,000 gp.

Sonia was carrying:

A small pouch containing 5,000 gp worth in residuum.

A rough, cold iron ring on one finger.  Fear's seen one of these on Shemeska's fingers - it's a ring of dread, created to prey on your enemy's fears and make them more vulnerable to attack.  (Adventurer's Vault, p. 158)

The dead swordscat was only carrying simple, locally-bought equipment, equivalent to what Raji is wearing and wielding.  If he has anything else, he hasn't shared that with the party.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Officer/s: Honorable City Watchmen Xadin, Zalma, Damon

Date and Time: 17th Raijin, Second Hour

SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: Responded to multiple reports of light from the sky and shaking of the earth. Civilian cries of alarm led to tenement tower at 58th Still Grove, near Fae Playground. Considerable damage to property; no casualties reported.

EVIDENCE: Object is a grey stone roughly 2 meters in height, estimated weight 800 kilograms. Object is cool to touch. Object seems to glow faintly when in near or total darkness, but appears mundane otherwise. Object is witnessed to have "fallen from the sky" and struck the Still Grove tenement without warning. Requested presence of Respectable City Arcanist Lormora to evaluate.

DETERMINATION: Object is of unknown material, and radiates faint aura of unknown nature. Object origins unknown. Object purpose unknown. Determined not to be of harmful nature.

OUTCOME: Residents of damaged tenements granted public housing until their homes or an equivalent new home opened for them. After consultation with Respectable City Arcanist Lormora, object is to remain at point of discovery until further notice, to avoid damage of object or surrounding tenements.

Addendum: Humble City Representatives dispatched to locate "Stormcrows" mercenary group for consultation. If they're caught up in this elemental end-of-the-world war, though, we may just be wasting our time.

-I don't think even they'll know what the hell it is --Respectable Lormora

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Altrus, Faustian Devil
Level 16 Solo Controller (Leader)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil)
XP 7,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +12
Aura of Majesty aura 5; enemies in the aura take -2 to attacks
Aura of Obedience aura 5; any bloodied alies in the aura at the start of its turn takes 10 damage but gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 5 damage on attackes until te start of its next turn. If a creature is slain by this aura, Altrus regains 10 hitpoints.
Infernal Beauty aura 10; Each creature within the aura cannot target Altrus with melee or ranged attacks unless he is the nearest enemy.
HP 616; Bloodied 308AC 30; Fortitude 28; Reflex 28; Will 32
Resist 10 Resistance Fire, 10 Resistance Psychic; Vulnerable 10 Resistance Thunder, and silences Altrus till the end of his next turn
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6, teleport 6 Action Points 2
m Manicured Talons (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 Target takes -2 to AC till the end of Altrus's next turn
R Temptation (minor; at-will)
Range 5; +17 vs. Will; the target takes a -5 penalty to all defenses until the end of the Altrus's next turn
R Command (standard; at-will) • Charm
Ranged 20; +20 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is dominated till end of next turn
R Soothing Words (standard; recharge 3) • Charm
Ranged 5; the target must be able to hear Altrus; +23 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends)
R Convincing Argument (immediate interrupt; at-will) • Charm, Psychic
Ranged 20; targets the triggering enemy; +20 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, and Altrus slides the target 2 squares
An enemy targeting Altrus with a melee or range attack
Alignment Evil
Languages Supernal, Common
Str 18 (+12)
Dex 18 (+12)
Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+12)
Int 18 (+12)
Cha 27 (+16)
© 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This monster statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Altrus is always with allies, either devils that are under him, or people who have signed a contract with him. He does not fight to the death unless pressed. He trys to keep range, and "convince" people to side with him.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I heard that this is the DM month and I would like to thank everyone for running games. This whole 4e gaming step, we all took together. We all ran games, and together we built a wonderful world together from scratch.

I would just like to thank all of the DM's in my dungeons and dragons. I would like to thank each and every one of you, for being a trooper. For making games, week after week possible, and for all the hard work that you do out there.

Keep up the good fight, I SALUTE ALL THOSE WHO ABOUT TO ROLL!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Major Update!

More news has been recieved regarding the Elvara that have allegedly begun settling the northeastern region of our world. Gnollclaw Mountain has been completely changed. It is no longer a mountain but it has been flattened into a large plateu and the Elvara have begun constructing a settlement atop the plateu. According to the Elvara emissary, Andelthos Drethian, they have renamed the plateu "Balieth's Shield" named after their former king who was recently murdered. They have begun requesting trade with other nations and they have been exporting large amounts of stone and lumber to those who have agreed as well as importing other goods. Their economy seems to also be getting a boost from other goods that they craft. They have begun offering special tattoos to special clients and the tattoos seem to grant some special qualities to the person. They have also begun selling gems that are apparently blessed by some of their most powerful "drakes" who are often ridden by some of the Elvara, a detail they refuse to discuss.
After the recent tragedy that has befallen the Tiefling and Dragonborn empires they have also begun mobilizing their military, they have not revealed their intentions yet but the army has not yet gone anywhere.

Friday, June 19, 2009

List of open ended threats

As the party approaches epic tiers of the game, the question of what EPIC problems will the characters face in their final hours. I have made the liberty of writing down some open threats that are still lingering in the air. It may be useful and conclusive to use any one of these threats in the later adventures. It is even possible to conclude each one of these threats and leave lvl 29-30 as a capstone that will encompass them all in a final epic battle.

It just seems to me, if people want continuity, then reusing older bits will certainly help to pull the negative together. These threats are written as I remember them in MY MEMORY. If some of this is not correct, or if Im missing some threats, feel free to edit this post.

1: Shadowfell- The shadowfell invasion took place less then a year ago, when the dark realm invaded the ground above, spilling forth unholy demons and creatures from all around. Although a ritual was preformed to banish shadowfell, it only waits for a perfect opportunity

2: FeyWild Lich- Even after he was defeated, he may yet become a threat. Hes layer in the feywild has been raided, but he was able to stop the time while the party was attacking him, who knows what he could have accomplished in that time slot.

3: Red Dragon- The red dragon is still alive and must be very angry at the party for killing on of its children. In addition to the damage to the dragons family, a plague broke our around his living area destroying his food. THis may cause the dragon to seek out new sources of food.

4: Undeathly Traders- The four tradesman trapped the party and bargained with them. These undead creatures only survive to seek out and make profit for some unknown reason. They may want to buy out their own souls and that of the loved ones, or they may have a much more sinister plan in mind. In addition, a former party member tried to chase them down. He could have fallen pray and his life may be used as a bargaining chip.

5: Demons- THe party completely destroyed a demon tribe in the wastelands. Even if the demons are constantly fighting with each other, they may notice this act and band together. If not, a greater being might find his pets missing and will send out more evil forces to recover what is lost and pay back for the death of the minions.

6: Eladrin Empire- The party has stolen artifacts from the mighty Eladrin Empire, and one of their worst enemies traveled with the party for a while. This floating warmachine, might decide to get back the artifacts that were stolen, or invade the lower worlds.

7: The Device- Torture device has been left in the elfadrin homeland. Unsupervised, there is no telling to what horrors it may do to the local population.

8: Edilon- Standard unfinished outworld being that has a grudge against the party. Signature moves attacks: wraps sidewalks and plane shifts people.

9: Plague- A horrific decease has been engineered and spread out through the world. The party went to the nexus to deliver the deadly formula to Ebberk, who created this vile evil. As hundreds die, this plague may wipe out large portions of the populations unless something can be done to stop it.

10: Angel’s Wrath- As the party convinced a prominent angel leader to let them into the nexus, he swore to destroy them if they lied to him. The party did exactly that, and instead of saving the world as they promised, spread horrific disease through wolrd. Angel guards must now hold true to their word...

11: Sword of Kas- the artifact betrayer has traveled from a far realm into the world. Its only purpose is to betray its way back to its master. Even the party was unable to withstand its power, and unfortunately for everyone, the sword has escaped.

12: HUGE FUCKING SHARD OF ELDER EViL- The chaos shard is still in the gravitational pull of the world. It is full of evil, with dreadful creatures living on its surface and inside of it. Who knows what will happened when it swings around and circles the world one more time.

13: Altruis- Some party members made deal with this devil. The devil has been making party unto his minions on several occasions. What will he ask of them next?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A different map rendering

I think Sergei's is way, way better, imho :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Map rendering

Here is my Eberron style coloring of the map. Let me know, if this works for you guys, or if you want a different style or color map. I only rendered my piece of the pie, because I know what things are. Ill need to clarify a couple of the terrain features when Im doing the whole map.

This picture is clickable

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wuu Tai University: Lecture Notes

Scholar: .... As I was saying, immigration is very important to the world. Even from the recent events, can anyone tell me some recent immigration or movements of people?

Student 1: Are you talking about the modular people in that southern humans made?

Scholar: No, although that is also very curious issue, because we now see that life is not always as it seems. Living beings can in fact be made, and their creation will surely challenge many social norms. Anyone else?

Student 2: Elves from the fey-wild?

Scholar: Exactly. To be more specific, they are not from the fey-wild, bur rather from a small floating island above the fey-wild. Their descend into our world is a prime example of immigration and changes that these movements cause.

Student 1: Are you talking about the dwarven racism? What do the call themselves, something mountain....

Scholar: Yes, the racially motivated violence is part of it. We know that it wasn't these newcomers that are responsible for racial outbursts, but they are catalysis. The dwarves have been angry for a very long time, and elven immigration caused outbreaks. Mountain dwarves, or Kordas as they are commonly known, are mobilizing offenses against the elves. A military campaign has not yet taken place, but will most likely spark at the smallest cause.

Student 2: Its mostly about the money, isn't it?

Scholar: Partially. Because these immigrants have lived in a completely different and monetary less society, a need for profit drove the newcomers to find a specialty. These elves are able to produce arcane markings that infuse people will augmentative powers.

These marks work like magical tattoo's, but with much difference. Their marks can enhance businesses and combat prowess, and their relative easy and accessibility granted the elven immigrants with a steady flow of money. Jealousy and dwarven anger is likely correlated with their success....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Arcangrad Retainer Weekly

Ladies and Gentleman of the Old Empire and that of our blessed City of Arcangrad! Our enginsiums and datium masters have spent the last three years developing a treat for you! With the world constantly changing: necrotic plague breaking up north, dragonborn war with the tieflings, and immigrants coming from the feywild into our "lower worlds."

Fear no more friends. You will no longer have to rely on unstable and outside help. No more need to higher brutish half orcs and giants for self protection, no more need for snobby and questionable help from eladrin, no need for zealous dragon born.

Introducing the modulated servitors! We have finished our workings on a new type of servants. Humanoid, incredibly complex machines, and very loyal, these modulated servants will be hired out exclusively to the Old Empire's Citizens.

If you need of a perfect body guard or a soldier, hire out a loyal and disciplined war-modulated. Or if you of need of holy works or religious services, hire a divine modulated servant. In addition future models of psychic-modulated, arcane-modulated, and so on.

In only a few weeks, the contracts will be sold to the Empire's Citizens. As the datium masters explain, the modulated complexity is incredible and the modulated themselves will be given rights of any other living. Maybe not as much respect as Old Empire's human population, which is and always be a superior form of life, but these beings will be free. However their lack of need to eat or sleep, their loyalty, and their exclusive contracts for the humans, will make them into our own.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wishlist for Xanaphia

just went through and found a bunch of things that i would want of each level

lvl 14:
+3 bloodcut armor (phb pg 227)
bloodthirst bracers (vault pg 114)
ring of fireblazing (vault pg 158)

lvl 15:
ring of freedom of movement (phb pg 251)
+3 trollskin armor (phb pg 231)
+3 flaming scimitar (phb pg 234)
quickhit bracers (vault pg 118)
premonition ring (vault pg 157)
saphire scabbard (vault pg 176)

lvl 17:
+4 sunleaf armor (phb pg 231)
+4 vicious scimitar (phb pg 236)
belt of sacrifice (phb pg 252)
+4 wildleaf armor (vault pg 55)
+4 parrying scimitar (vault pg 74)
razor bracers (vault pg 119)
ring of vigilant defense (vault pg 162)

Wish List for Casabon

1) +4 Wildleaf Feyhide Armor (level 17)
2) Cold Iron Bracers (level 16)
3) Crown of Nature's Rebellion (level 15)
4) Winter's Grasp Totem +3 (level 14)
5) Abyssal Adorment +3 (level 13)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breaking news!

We have recieved word that emissaries were sent earlier in the week to contact the strange caravan that was spotted descending Titanspike Mountain (also earlier in the week). The [insert title of major authority figure of Wuu Tai here] has only released a small amount of information however. The people have identified themselves as the Elvara, more commonly known as the "Ancients" (and apparently the Storm Crows have been known to call them "Elfadrins"). this race is the distant ancestor of all of the elven races and was thought to have been wiped out hundreds of thousands of years ago. According to the commander of the forces descending the mountain, they were recently aided by the Storm Crows in ridding their nation of a faction that was bent on bringing them to civil war. this recovery from many years of political tension and constant attacks from demons has caused them to wish to extend themselves back into the "Lower Worlds". the [authority figure] has still not released any information regarding the strange glows emanating from Gnollclaw mountain and even now the glows are getting stronger and the mountain is even seeming to look slightly shorter than past reports.
more information will be published when we recieve it
Bao-Yu Chen - Wuu Tai news

New Arcosians in Mourning

The Arcosian Dragonborn are in a period of mourning, as one of their High Imams, Indran bin Denor Salam, died recently. It was quite a shock for many, since he was in good health and was prominent in the public eye. Well loved by all, his calls to prayer and his religious speaches were favorites of many Arcosian. He will be put to rest later in the week, after the period of mourning and weeping has been met. As of know, the rest of the High Imams have cloisterd themselves away in mourning, and have not relased any information to the public.

Our hearts go to our Dragonborn neighbors, and as they say, "May the wings of the prophet carry you to serenity."

San Si,
Wuu Tai News

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Plague?

There has been a new decease outbreak around dwarven town called Halor’s Hearth. Only a small population has been infected by this new disease, and much is still unknown,but it has some very unusual symptoms. Most of the victims have been affected by paralysis of some sort, and some softer tissues and some skin patches have died on the on the living victims. In addition, people who have the disease are known to babble uncontrollably and experience disorientation, memory loss, and inability to eat. Even with the dwarven newly emerging unorthodox schools of medicine, the dwarves are unable to cure this sickness. It is still largely unknown how the sickness spreads, but the dwarves reassure the world in their effort to fight off this epidemic.
To quote one of the dwarven lords who commented on this issue, Lord Eberk Breaksmith: “We’re doing the best we can. Trying different combinations of ingredients seem to have fought off some of the symptoms, but enhances the others. We want to assure EVERYONE that somehow I always had the means to fight this epidemic, and we are currently mass producing the cure. As per instructions left to me, I will ship out and administer this new cure before this horrid plague gets any bigger.”

Sao Zhou,
Wuu Tai.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Breaking news: Unkown caravan has begun descending Titanspike Mountain

A large caravan of elf like people was seen descending Titanspike Mountain yesterday. Titanspike mountain has long been known to connect our section of the world to both the feywild and the shadowfell. However most eladrin that come to our world come by airship. The people descending the mountain seem to have no form of airship technology. Witnesses have reported seeing dragons flying with them and apparently defending them. Those that have been reaching the ground have been heading north towards Gnollclaw Mountain, and strange glows have been seen emanating from the mountain. We have no other information at the time for that region has long been abandoned by most people due to demonic infestation. We will however attempt to keep you loyal readers up to date as we begin re-entering that region of the world thanks to the Storm Crows, who apparently cleared a major section of the area of the gnoll and demon infestation
Head editor - Wuu Tai News

Thursday, April 30, 2009

World Trade Event

The Ministry of Arcane arts at the University of Wuu Tai has raised concerns with the Council over the recent shortage of supplies coming from the Feywild. As it happens, some of the services that help our brothers keep our city safe, such as barracks-site teleportation, are reliant on reagents imported from the Feywild. The Ministry argues that without a restored flow of these imports, many such services will have to go on restricted use, lowering Wuu Tai's overall readiness. The Council dismissed these claims as unfounded at their meeting last week, saying that Wuu Tai's effectiveness was not tied to a foreign exotic land.

Anonymous sources working at the air tower have revealed that the Jhaer Jhaes ol si Shol Trading Network, the city's main trading partner from the Feywild, have not made their scheduled shipment in 2 months. Reportedly one of their ships docked recently, but was one that had gone rogue, and was being brought to dock by the famous Storm Crows, last season's champions. This reporter was unable to reach officers of the air tower for comment on the situation, but it would seem the Ministry's claims of shortages are not exaggerated.

One thing's for sure, if these services become restricted, it will save me some coin for daily travel, but I will have a very long walk home every night.

Y.T. - Underground Press

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Potions and tools - i can haz?

At some early point during the rest period in Wuu Tai, Rook shows up at Tim's door (or our door, or any door at which Rook can show up) with a number of things:

-A badly scribbled list of magical concoctions, clearly cribbed from Tim's reference book on item creation, along with hash marks next to some of them;

-A very large bag of gold;

-and the vague look of begging on his face.  You know, the look you get when you're the one person in the party who everyone knows can craft items.

(Requests for miscellaneous consumables that Rook can stuff into his backpack for later use.  Full list in the comments, to keep from spamming the board.)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The total loot from the Firestorm, and Mephistopheles' ship

In the Firestorm was found:

Boots of Striding and Springing (level 14, claimed by Xan)

2 potions of vitality (unclaimed)

In addition, the captain's and first mate's quarters contained, respectively:

Caustic Gauntlets (level 16, claimed by Cas)

Torc of Power Preservation (level 15, claimed by Tim)

And finally, in Jim's quarters upon his family ship, you found varied gems, gold, silver, and stolen art objects, worth a total of 9,000 gold pieces.  Some of them look to be of eladrin make, and others look very old, possibly found by his crew.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Implement: Arcane Tool

Arcane Tools: Arcane tools are devices conceived long ago by the Old Empire engineers in order to aid the humans of the coast. Nobody really knows who or when the first arcane tools were made, but the creation can certainly be traced to one of the greatest human craftsman Cortez De’ Samerium. Arcane tools very greatly in their use and in their price. The simplest arcane tools are used by farmers to create “mage lifts”, unseen servants, mage hands, or to conjure water where needed. And the most complex arcane tools can be used to teleport entire armies, stop time on the battle fields, and bring back those who have fallen.

All arcane tools have a purpose and are lovingly created by the Old Empire humans. In fact, arcane tools have become heavily integrated into the life style of the humans in the south, and “Old Faith” design arcane tools are very common. Arcane tools have capacity to store and endure modifications, allow the same arcane tool to be used from early childhood into late adult hood. As the user of the arcane tool grows and gains experience, that person may buy a new arcane tool or upgrade an existing one.

Because of their common use, many cities use arcane tools for public service. Natural or unnatural disasters cannot be overcome by simple arcane raw power, however thousands of citizens can participate in a ritual at a moments notice to stop or slow down a possible threat.

It is however, rare to see arcane tools among non south human people. Although there are no laws or licenses concerning arcane tools, the humans always make it seem that ownership of arcane tool is restricted and a form of honor that will not be granted to outsiders. This is only due to their own arrogance and self superiority.

Old Faith: This is one of the most basic arcane tools. Initially, it allows user to cast a modified mage hand, that can lift up to 60lb for five minutes requiring 1gp worth of residium. In addition the user gains +1 to ritual castings, and is able to draw “runes”.

Pestilinye: This tool is favored by hard laborers. Initially it can grant the user 5 resistance to any one element for 5 minutes at cost of 4gp and this tool can create any physical non magical item for 6gp worth of residium. It grants a +1 to ritual casting.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"The Ellsmerana Crusade" - excerpt from the journal of Geldiron, Honor Guard

The outsiders were with us for several days. The people of Acreth obviously disagreed, that is probably what got them thinking about breaking away. Rayneyalt was a fool to think that the king would be disposed of so easily. Im glad the outsiders killed him when they could. I am still ashamed that i was unable to defend him though.... It most likely worked out for the better however. We now live prosperously under Godirref's rule. The war was very short, but still more horrifying than any other war i have fought in my lifetime. The magic that Telfrinor wielded (i later learned that he was Tesrinoth himself) was more foul than anything I have ever seen. Soldiers that feel no pain? How does a man agree to that? And the side effects they had to suffer through to get such a "blessing" more like a damned curse. Their eyes looked so empty... as if they had given up their sanity, their ability for emotion, their very soul! Yet another thing i have to thank the outsiders for... bringing these horrors to light. The horrors that were happening within our very walls. I will remember that night forever. We were returning from burning that damned fanatics camp when we saw the smoke. We hurried to Ibellona as fast as we could and took the waygate to the capital. The king spoke to the "Storm-Crows" about trying to break into the capital building of Acreth and trying to find a way to stop the madness of Telfrinor. He ordered us to go with him so we could attempt to hold of the seige and buy the Storm-Crows some time. The battle was long and difficult, we lost many great men that night. But when we saw the explosion from the capital, we knew that the Storm-Crows had succeeded. We ran as fast as we could to the building, just in time to catch them as they were leaving the building. Celebration of the end of the war was not as expected however. It began very grave and everyone was full of sorrow. For we had been repelling demons for years, only to find that it was a fucking traitor from within our walls who was summoning them! After the first day the mood seemed to lighten up however. The city began going back to the way it used to be. After the third day the outsiders told us that they needed to leave. That there were things on their world that needed to be tended to. The kings son performed the ritual to transport them to "where they were needed most" (I never have trusted him, he's always been very strange) I hope they have been brought home safely. The king says that within the next few months we will begin contacting the people of the lower world again. Perhaps we will one day be able to repay the Storm-crows for saving our nation. I hope I will be able to fight by their side once more!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Unit Orders (Picture is Clickable)

The wedge of Steel: This order is given to the unit, if the combat has some sort of objective that must be reached. Wether an entrance to a castle, an artifact in the middle of a battle field, or a helpless diplomat held hostage in a sea of mercenaries, the wedge of steel will get the job done. Synchronization is the key element in this order. Toughest and most enduring members will stand closer to the “tip” of the wedge, while harder to hit and more elusive members are on the edges of the wedge, with the support and spell casters resting within the wedge. Everyone in the wedge must wait and line up their actions to be synchronized, with the tip of the wedge moving first, and everyone in the middle moving after wards. Most important, is to keep moving. The wedge MUST move every round in the direction of the objective, and within few seconds the wedge will surely capture and reach the desired destination.

Shock and Awe: This order requires fair amount of maneuverability. Ideally two or three, depending on the group with larger ones having three and smaller ones having two, mobile troopers will quickly make their way behind enemy lines and the rest of the unit will slowly move towards the enemy with a steam roller. The fast moving shock troops should run and charge the farthest enemies and act independently. Their function is to draw attention and to tie up the enemy’s focus. The main unit will form a tight formation and slowly advance and kill whatever is closest to them, usually focusing fire on one foe. If done properly, Shock and Awe has many uses. If foes will ignore the shock troops and go for the main units, they will pay dearly as the Shock troopers will hit them from the rear. If the foes will fight the shock troopers, the main unit will have little resistance in fighting whatever they face. If the foes turn all of their attention on the shock troopers, or flee away from the main unit, they will run into the shock troopers and will be cut down. Or if they chose to fight the shock troopers when the flee, the main unit will have an open powerful charge into the enemies rear.

The Killing Pocket: This order is incredibly simple to master, but yields amazing results. In order to set up a killing pocket, every member of the unit lines up in a obtuse “U” shape and attacks anything in the pocket. Ideally, the casters and the lighter troops will be in the middle of the “U” throwing spells into the killing pocket. The foes would have only a few options. They could attack the edges of the pocket and slowly die from the spells wreaking havoc, or they could take their chance and go into the killing pocket in order to attack the casters. If the foe uses the ladder option, the pocket will be able to literally swallow and overwhelm the foes going for the casters. The crucial point of the killing pocket is to maintain the U shape without closing the “gates” for the foe.

The Thousand Blades: This order is also very simple to preform. One foe is chosen to be destroyed and clearly marked in the beginning of the battle. The group fully surrounds this foe, even by placing the casters within the arms reach, and the unit focuses on that particular foe. Those who are able to control the field, would push or move the enemies away from the target of the Thousand Blades. Immediately afterwards, another target will be chosen and the Thousand Blades will be placed on him. Rinse and Repeat.

Tell me what you guys think!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Brief Introduction To Casabon


Casabon Maçon Level 12 Human Guardian Druid and Adroit Explorer, Worshiper of Silvanus

Masons of the forested Dalelands in the Forgotten Realms, living in a predominantly elven society, the Maçons are some of the last humans maintaining their noble ancestral holdings within the shallower eaves of the woodlands. These holdings are situated in the vicinity of the town, Highmoon, between Cormyr and Sembia.

Casabon Maçon showed early affinity for elvish druidism in the Dales and learned early to speak, read, and write their language. His adventures took him across the great and wide places of the Realms. He advanced as an Initiate to the Ninth Circle in the company of several esteemed adventurers led by the ranger, Tanis, and her powerful wolverine companion. In the keeping of this company were clerics of Sune and of Torm; a magess of Mystra and the wild mage, Xarn; the renowned bard, Jeb, of Deneir; and other prominent figures in the world at large.

Casabon's last known exploit took him to the realm of Asfarbeuau, an old but relatively unambitious Druid of the Twelfth Level. There, Maçon challenged Asfarbeuau to a duel, to be determined according to druidic law on the terms set by the elder. Asfarbeuau chose to stage the duel in the city of Sigil, the nexus of the many planes, and battle to the death he named as the condition of deposition.

Being a frequent traveler to Sigil, as a place to satiate his more hedonistic desires, Asfarbeuau hoped to use his connections and understanding of the portals within the city to his advantage. The battle between the two was long, and they dueled across many planes. But the Lady of Pain favored the Maçon and sent him tidings of a strange plane where the elder druid hoped to finally entrap the challenger.

In this new plane, all powers would become forfeit, and the Oak Father would have no sway. Only through the residuum of magical essence itself would the druids have any power. Bearing with him a satchel of residuum gifted him by the Lady, the Maçon went to this plane and hunted the old one through a forested river valley, defeating him finally in combat, his mastery of the storm laying low at last the grizzled snow leopard.

Thus, Maçon now ascends to the proper rank of Druid. But the portal has closed behind him, and he wanders trapped in this new world, looking for a way back to his home realm and his rightful place.

Cas is pale, black-haired, and wears black lambskin robes over a finely crafted armor of brown hide. He is quiet and attentive, wise and rugged. In the morning, he rises with the sun and takes tea meditating on the presence of the Oak Father. In the evening, he performs incantations and sings hymns to Silvanus and Meliekki before laying himself down for the night. Grey-eyed, he is graced by a gaze akin to that of the elves, but is otherwise wholly human in build and comportment.

Background bonuses: +1 Initiative, reroll any Nature check and keep second roll


Ritual Caster
Implement Expertise (Staff) +1 bonus to hit
Wintertouched combat advantage versus vulnerable to cold when using cold
Burning Blizzard +2 feat bonus to damage when using cold or acid
Raging Storm +2 feat bonus to damage when using lightning or thunder
Oncoming Storm +1 to thunder attack until end next turn if strike with lightning
Echoes of Thunder +2 to damage until end next turn if strike with thunder
Expert Ritualist +2 bonus to skill checks while performing rituals
Lasting Frost target gains vulnerable cold 5 until end next turn if strike with cold
Resounding Thunder add 1 to size of any blast or burst with thunder keyword


+3 Thunderwave Staff Use daily with Tundra Wind, add thunder keyword to all attacks
+3 Armor of Cold Resistance (10)
+3 Amulet of Resistance



Barkskin is an encounter power that grants Cas or an ally a +4 power bonus to AC. Because most powers used by Cas work at a range of 10, allies receive the bonus more often than Cas does. Cas reserves the use of Barkskin as a response to battlefield development in one of two ways. When a front-line tanker gets in trouble, Cas uses Barkskin to protect the tank, which in turn protects the front line. When a Winter Storm exists on the field, and enemies threaten to break out of the storm and through the party's front line, Cas casts Barkskin on himself and moves to the front line in preparation for use of the Tundra Wind.

Use of the Black Harbinger utility allows Cas to fly behind or flank the enemy line, giving him extra directional options when attempting to control enemy movement. He usually uses this power at the beginning of encounters to establish his position.


Conjuration of the Winter Storm is a daily power that creates difficult terrain in an area burst 2. A minor action removes the zone. A sustained minor action allows the zone to persist and gives the caster the option to increase the burst area by 1, up to burst 5. Enemies inside the zone gain vulnerable cold 5.

This elevates damage on the single target spell, Frost Flash, and the area spells of Chill Wind and Tundra Wind. Since Chill Wind is an at-will power, it becomes imperative to flush the battlefield with it. Chill Wind additionally slides hit targets 1 square.

When cold vulnerability and Echoes of Thunder are in play, the Frost Flash deals d6+22 damage and immobilizes the target. Tundra Wind is a blast power that does 2d6+18 damage under these conditions while pushing hit targets 4 squares and knocking them prone. Chill Wind does d6+12 damage under these conditions.

It is also notable that Lasting Frost allows for an extension of cold vulnerability outside of the Winter Storm when strikes with these cold powers succeed on targets located elsewhere in the field.

To reiterate:

Winter Storm 5x5 zone of difficult, cold-vulnerable terrain, expandable by 1 in size per round to a maximum 11x11 zone.

Chill Winds in a 3x3 or 5x5 burst at-will, which slide hit targets 1 square.

Frost Flash as a potent single-target encounter attack that immobilizes the target when successful.

Tundra Wind as a potent 3x3 or 4x4 close blast that hurls hit targets 4 squares and knocks them down. Best used near the front line to control the field by hurling the enemy back into the Winter Storm.


Pretty simple stuff here. Prime the pump with Storm Spike, making use of the Raging Storm feat (+2 feat bonus to lightning or thunder damage) and setting up the bonus of the Oncoming Storm (+1 to hit until end of next turn) for a subsequent air strike with Call Lightning. Foes who try and leave the 3x3 (or 5x5, if Cas opts for the extra size) zone take 5 more damage, in addition to the +2 damage effect of Echoes of Thunder.

Effectively, someone gets hit with the Storm Spike for d8+11 lightning damage (d8+13 if Echoes of Thunder are in play), and an air strike rolls in dealing d8+13 damage with a potential of d8+18 for those who flee the storm.

Wind and Plant Control

Cas uses Grasping Claws really as nothing more than a free shift out of harm's way when working from the front line. Thorn Whip, Wind Prison, Swirling Winds, Wall of Thorns, and Entangle are all self-explanatory controls used to draw foes into high damage zones and/or high damage situations. The latter two powers are persistent, making them particularly nasty in conjunction with Winter Storm and Call Lightning.



Animal Messenger, Banish Vermin, Animal Friendship, Share Husk, Commune With Nature, Call Wilderness Guide, Speak With Nature


Create Campsite, Explorer's Fire, Affect Normal Fire, Traveler's Feast, Delver's Fire


Gentle Repose, Delay Affliction, Cure Disease, Raise Dead, Remove Affliction


Preservation, Ironwood, Bolster Object


Bloom, Snare, Clear The Path, Earthen Ramparts, Fey Passage, Tree Stride, Trailblaze


Endure Elements, Tree Shape, Water Walk, Feat of Strength, Water Breathing

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Loot List.

I know Delcan wanted to know everyones list of wanted loot. We could help him out by posting what we wanted earlier, so he would have time to prepare.

Leave a comment with what you want, unless you want to keep it secret, but like I said we can help him out by posting wish-lists earlier.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

World Event: Sky Shard

Wuu Tai Weekly News

The scholars of both, the Old Empire and astro-seers from Yeav's Light confirm this particular event. A large object has been observed on the horizon of the Astral Sea. The Science community are naming this thing a "Sky Shard" and have already calculated its mass, but are unable to decipher its trajectory. It is roughly five and a half kilometers in diameter, and it might come close to our own world in the time of several months.
This object's shape is rough and edged. It does not reflect any visible light just yet, but it is assumed that the object is fragmented. Besides the large mass itself, there are clouds of smaller pieces of the "Sky Shard", that will arrive ahead. Scholars and Astro-Seers have no assumptions about this objects intentions or purpose and according to ancient records these types of celestial bodies came into contact with our world before.
In addition, several new "religions" have started after the news of the Sky Shard. It appears that people are worshiping this object as either the divine wrath or as a otherworldly savior. The exact orbit has not yet been fully calculated, and wether the object will collide with our own world is yet unknown. If any reader wishes to investigate or help us with the calculations we will gladly provide the needed datum.
More will be followed as this story continues.

Head Editor, Wuu Tai Weekly.

The mysterious visor.

The visor previously carried by Moe Highwater was meant as a story element to bring the characters closer to the story of what was going on. It will display interpretations of psychic energy and emotions in the wearer's 'field of view', gives a (I believe) -1 Intimidate, +1 insight and +1 diplomacy. Its functionality is partially blocked. The Item has an unlockable power, with various enhancements based on future exposure as follows:

Read the Patterns [Minor action, Item, Encounter] (AKA Plot-Sense)
Requires: 2000 GP, Enchant Magic Item
Range/Target: Personal/You

The item confers knowledge of connections to those in the field of view. These can be business connections, intimate connections, or simply acquaintance (coworker) connections. The type of connection is not conferred, but the strength is. This is analogous to the type of connection and what makes that type of connection stronger. For example a pair of guard who have worked the same shift for many years but dislike each other may only have a moderate connection, but if those guards were old war buddies who would die to protect the other's family, an immaculate connection is seen. The wearer can see connections to themselves, as long as they originate within the wearers' view. This is a flash of insight, and does not persist.

The following events and/or enhancements can affect the functioning of the visor's power. If multiple aspects are attained, all of them function at once, giving a composite that is no more difficult to decipher. For instance a mentor who fell in love with their student half way across the world could have that connection revealed with a successful use of Aspect of Ether with both aspects of Pride and Affection unlocked.

Aspect of Pride:
Requires: Blessing of a creature of draconic descent of at least 10th level.
The visor reveals connections of pride. If 1 creature was a guiding force in another's career, or if they were the primary financier or manager behind the construction of a building, this type of connection would reveal itself. Any act of work, material or social, for which the creature does not feel is a failure will show up as this type of connection.

Aspect of Ages:
Requires: Ritual caster of at least 75 years of (natural) age and 1000 gp.
The visor reveals the relative age of connections. This may rouse suspicions if there are very strong connections that are mere days old. The resolution is relative, for instance connections lasting less than a month can be placed within a few days, less than a year, within a week, less than 3 years, within a month, less than 10 years, within a season, and more than that is an approximate nearest year for age of connection.

Aspect of Deceit:
Requires: Wearer's life must be put at risk as the direct result of a successful lie by a creature trained in Bluff. Betrayal counts, but at least 1 bluff check must be made against the wearer. 2000 gp.
Not all connections are honest. This aspect reveals when one creature is misrepresenting their connection to another, the direction of the deceit, and how much of the connection is fabricated.
This power does not substitute for passive insight checks, however. Someone the wearer has never been connected to would not show up at all, let alone under this aspect. However, if a guide to the wearer is checked some time into mutual travels and the guides' intent is not what he has expressed, a deceit connection will be shown. This does not reveal the nature of the deceit, just that something is misrepresented.

Aspect of Ether:
Requires: Non-humanoid Fey-origin ritual caster of at least 10th level and 2000 gp.
Attack: Standard action (in addition to the Minor action to activate the visor - must be spent in the same round) (Int, Wis, or Cha)+3 vs. Will [Psychic]
Range/Target: 40/1 Creature
This aspect reveals connections through hidden dimensions in the mindscape to reveal connections of 1 creature within sight to people and objects not in sight, in addition to the normal powers of the visor. If the attack fails, the subject is aware of the attacker, but the nature of the attack feels more like a personal question from a stranger that is entirely too prying, or of something attempting to pluck a detail from the target's mind. This may cause some to go hostile, others simply to avoid social contact in the future.

Aspect of Contempt:
Requires: Non-humanoid Demon-origin ritual caster of at least 11th level and 2000 gp.
This aspect functions as the Aspect of Deceit except that it reveals desire for harm to come to the connected. As with all connections, this won't reveal a complete stranger looking to gut the wearer for their wallet, but it will reveal old rivalries, up to and including mutual arch-villains hell-bent on destroying each other.

Aspect of Affection:
Requires: Ritual caster in love of at least 11th level and 1000 gp.
This aspect reveals connections from puppy love to searing passion to admiration/trust relationships. Like Aspect of Deceit, it reveals strength and direction, and so would reveal one-sided admiration and mutual relationships.

Aspect of Legacy:
Requires: Ritual caster with knowledge of the Raise Dead ritual, trained in both Religion and History of at least 15th level and 3000 gp.
This aspect allows the visors' power to operate on deceased creatures. Like of sight is still required, so simply standing at a grave site will not allow this aspect to be used on a buried creature. Connections are revealed as of the time of the creature's demise, which may be mis-leading if things have changed since then. There is no historical time limit on this power to reach back to a creature's connections, but the deceased must be identifiable. For example, a well-preserved dwarven corpse would provide details for ages, but a corpse left to rot to little more than bones would not. Will only work on undead creatures if the above condition is met. (fresh zombies, for example, would work, skeletons would not)

Aspect of Conquest:
Requires: Military leader ritual caster of at least 15th level whose history involves at least 3 commanding positions in successful conquests of medium or larger cities and 5000 gp.
This aspect reveals desired connections. This aspect is most useful in conjunction with other aspects that reveal the nature of connections. A stalkers' desired connection to his prey may be for love or for harm, but until those aspects are unlocked, which is true is left a mystery. A noble in a border keep may have his desire to take the neighboring lands by force to develop them for his people revealed with the aspects of Pride, Conquest and Ether unlocked. The desire must be specific. A creature's desire for gold will not be revealed unless it have been seeking a particular horde. Also, with aspect of Ages, the length of the desire will show.

This stuff is up to debate and change, but I thought it would be cool to have something to make plot navigation both more interesting and challenging. Please comment with feedback.


Due to the rarity of the game's meetings, and apparent disconnect with the story, I think that a simple blog will provide another form of story telling for the game. Nobody has to post anything, however I think that it might be fun to have posts about the game, characters, and anything else that is related or unrelated to the game. I will contact people and ask them to either make an account or give them my own. Also, even through Im the supposed administrator of the website I will add everyone to the author list. Im pretty sure that the authors are allowed to change things on the website on their own, if not I will make the admin available for the public.

Im not quite sure of the structure of this thing, on wether people will post as characters or as players, and well let things evolve naturally. As many other projects that I have started, I hope that you guys will post things often and not let this die. Truly it takes very little effort to actually post and keep this blog alive!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome Storm Crows!