Thursday, July 30, 2009


Altrus, Faustian Devil
Level 16 Solo Controller (Leader)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil)
XP 7,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +12
Aura of Majesty aura 5; enemies in the aura take -2 to attacks
Aura of Obedience aura 5; any bloodied alies in the aura at the start of its turn takes 10 damage but gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 5 damage on attackes until te start of its next turn. If a creature is slain by this aura, Altrus regains 10 hitpoints.
Infernal Beauty aura 10; Each creature within the aura cannot target Altrus with melee or ranged attacks unless he is the nearest enemy.
HP 616; Bloodied 308AC 30; Fortitude 28; Reflex 28; Will 32
Resist 10 Resistance Fire, 10 Resistance Psychic; Vulnerable 10 Resistance Thunder, and silences Altrus till the end of his next turn
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6, teleport 6 Action Points 2
m Manicured Talons (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 Target takes -2 to AC till the end of Altrus's next turn
R Temptation (minor; at-will)
Range 5; +17 vs. Will; the target takes a -5 penalty to all defenses until the end of the Altrus's next turn
R Command (standard; at-will) • Charm
Ranged 20; +20 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, and the target is dominated till end of next turn
R Soothing Words (standard; recharge 3) • Charm
Ranged 5; the target must be able to hear Altrus; +23 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends)
R Convincing Argument (immediate interrupt; at-will) • Charm, Psychic
Ranged 20; targets the triggering enemy; +20 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage, and Altrus slides the target 2 squares
An enemy targeting Altrus with a melee or range attack
Alignment Evil
Languages Supernal, Common
Str 18 (+12)
Dex 18 (+12)
Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+12)
Int 18 (+12)
Cha 27 (+16)
© 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This monster statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Altrus is always with allies, either devils that are under him, or people who have signed a contract with him. He does not fight to the death unless pressed. He trys to keep range, and "convince" people to side with him.


  1. First, until the end of who's turn is the target dominated.

    Second, how does silence even effect a creature?

    Third, the purple wyrm is a lvl 17ish mob, is elite solo with 500 +/- hp.
    Nice, having a supper solo mob that always travels with allies!

  2. He is not supposed to be an even lvl encounter, so allies are appropritate. Silence effects creaturs in diffrent ways.
    And the hp of a elite should be lower than a solo... if the purple worm is solo, it will have a bit more hp than Altrus.

    All this was made with the DDI monster builder, so is all stat appropriate.

  3. Looks good, but tricky to use effectively. Altruis' ability to pretty much keep one person dominated at all times (Temptation + Command = nearly unavoidable domination) and his ability to effectively ignore one melee attacker per round takes a party down by two characters at any given time (and if someone drops, gods help the party). However, his lack of damage output makes him a Very Sad Solo Monster, who really _relies_ on his allies to do his dirty work for him. Altruis alone = Altruis desperately postponing death.

    To Sergei: The Soothing Words attack requires the target to be able to hear Altruis; while silenced, the attack is unavailable to him, which means he can't drop a lasting domination on someone.
