Sunday, June 21, 2009

Major Update!

More news has been recieved regarding the Elvara that have allegedly begun settling the northeastern region of our world. Gnollclaw Mountain has been completely changed. It is no longer a mountain but it has been flattened into a large plateu and the Elvara have begun constructing a settlement atop the plateu. According to the Elvara emissary, Andelthos Drethian, they have renamed the plateu "Balieth's Shield" named after their former king who was recently murdered. They have begun requesting trade with other nations and they have been exporting large amounts of stone and lumber to those who have agreed as well as importing other goods. Their economy seems to also be getting a boost from other goods that they craft. They have begun offering special tattoos to special clients and the tattoos seem to grant some special qualities to the person. They have also begun selling gems that are apparently blessed by some of their most powerful "drakes" who are often ridden by some of the Elvara, a detail they refuse to discuss.
After the recent tragedy that has befallen the Tiefling and Dragonborn empires they have also begun mobilizing their military, they have not revealed their intentions yet but the army has not yet gone anywhere.


  1. " They have begun requesting trade with other nations and they have been exporting large amounts of stone and lumber to those who have agreed as well as importing other goods. "

    Do they need sheep? I got 2 sheep... how about brick?

  2. What about residium. Ill have 3 lumber, 1 wheat, and 2 adventuring groups. Willing to trade all the resoures for pounds of residium dust.......ALL TRADES ARE FINAL AND NON REFUNDABLE.
