Thursday, April 30, 2009

World Trade Event

The Ministry of Arcane arts at the University of Wuu Tai has raised concerns with the Council over the recent shortage of supplies coming from the Feywild. As it happens, some of the services that help our brothers keep our city safe, such as barracks-site teleportation, are reliant on reagents imported from the Feywild. The Ministry argues that without a restored flow of these imports, many such services will have to go on restricted use, lowering Wuu Tai's overall readiness. The Council dismissed these claims as unfounded at their meeting last week, saying that Wuu Tai's effectiveness was not tied to a foreign exotic land.

Anonymous sources working at the air tower have revealed that the Jhaer Jhaes ol si Shol Trading Network, the city's main trading partner from the Feywild, have not made their scheduled shipment in 2 months. Reportedly one of their ships docked recently, but was one that had gone rogue, and was being brought to dock by the famous Storm Crows, last season's champions. This reporter was unable to reach officers of the air tower for comment on the situation, but it would seem the Ministry's claims of shortages are not exaggerated.

One thing's for sure, if these services become restricted, it will save me some coin for daily travel, but I will have a very long walk home every night.

Y.T. - Underground Press


  1. Dear Y.T.

    I am captain Liola, Harbinger of the Storm Crows. I have a ready ship, and a crew, and I am willing to make a journey into the Feywild in order to gather resources that the ministry needs.

    Being one of the most experiences pilots through out the world, I am willing to make this trip for a very low cost. I will not charge the ministry with monetary cost, and this trip will be charitable.

    However, I will need a few things in return. If you are interested in my modest proposal, contact me for further information

    Honorable Captain, Liola Deathlight

  2. Dear Captain Liola,

    I am Fenrir Whisperwing, former Eladrin merchant, please call me Fen. I have been contacted by a mutual acquaintance who says you and I also share a mutual interest. As luck would have it, I've also been fortunate enough to have had past dealings with your group.

    The world of imports will see quite a bit of turbulence in the next few months. If you still feel up to taking on the storm winds of a blackened sky, I would very much like to make you an offer.

    I can be found at the Crystal Cabernet in the Temple district for the next week or so. I look forward to finally meeting you.

