Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Potions and tools - i can haz?

At some early point during the rest period in Wuu Tai, Rook shows up at Tim's door (or our door, or any door at which Rook can show up) with a number of things:

-A badly scribbled list of magical concoctions, clearly cribbed from Tim's reference book on item creation, along with hash marks next to some of them;

-A very large bag of gold;

-and the vague look of begging on his face.  You know, the look you get when you're the one person in the party who everyone knows can craft items.

(Requests for miscellaneous consumables that Rook can stuff into his backpack for later use.  Full list in the comments, to keep from spamming the board.)


  1. 2x Potion of Regeneration (lvl 9, 320 gp)
    5x Potion of Clarity +1 (lvl 5, 250 gp)
    10x Resistance Potions (acid, cold, lightning, psychic, thunder) (lvl 4, 400 gp)
    2x Elixir of Dragon Breath (lightning) (lvl 7, 200 gp)
    2x Gravespawn Potion (lvl 5, 100 gp)
    2x Fire Beetle Potion (lvl 6, 150 gp)

    2x Frozen Whetstone (lvl 7, 200 gp)
    1x Caustic Whetstone (lvl 10, 200 gp)
    1x Tempest Whetstone (lvl 10, 200 gp)

    2x Oil of Flesh Returned (lvl 10, 400 gp)

    Rook will front all costs. Most of the above are for defense; the breath elixir is for dropping his mark on multiple targets; and the whetstones are for those special foes who need a little extra smackdown. Rook wants to be the Tank From Hell. :)

  2. Tank from hell, that has glass fragile bottles tied to every surface of the body...

  3. Tim scratches his head at the list, doing a mental breakdown of the cost before look up to Rook, "You have this much gold? Well, I suppose I can start in on these. If you don't mind coming with me to the university from time to time, I'm sure this could get done sooner than later." He waves for Rook to follow him as he strides past, "Come on, then, the market won't come to us." Tim leaves the heavy lifting to Rook.

    Tim may also want to create an item of his own, just need a lil time with a vault (or perhaps the new arcane book) before the game starts.
