Saturday, April 17, 2010

wish lists lvl 24

was online and i figured id put this up in advance. the level range is 25-28.


  1. Rook's been getting the highest-level items from the pick for the last two levels, so it's probably for the best that he gets the level 25-26 item this time around. For completeness, however:

    25: Sandals of Avandra (from AV1) (because mobility is awesome)
    26: Amulet of Protection +6 (from PHB) (and that'll carry Rook straight to 30)
    27: Staggering Weapon +6 (from AV1) (same)
    28: Belt of Vim (from AV1) (because Rook needs defenses. Really, really needs defenses)

  2. 25: Bralani Cloak +5 (AV2) (defenses, plus daily teleport and fly, to deal with flying things and/or things with huge deadly auras that I need to get away from Right Now despite lava in the way)

    26: Distance Hand Crossbow +6 (AV) (hooray final ranged weapon)

    27: Iron of Spite (PHB) (autodamage when people melee me, at least my low AC will have an upside)

    28: Shadowflow Starleather Armor +6 (PHB) (bring my AC from embarrassing to decent, yay final armor)

  3. 空子 (Sky Child) wonders the universe trying to stop evil and to bring light into peoples' eyes and hearts. Both physical and metaphorical, this light often takes form in monetary aid, spiritual guidance, and compassion.

    Often against the unaligned party, where otherwise a quick and brutal death would be welcome, 空子 takes the long path in attempt to save his foes from themselves, by showing them mercy and trying to help them. This often is taken into the extreme hilarity.

    I feel that it would be interesting, if 空子's ways were juxtaposed with actions of an powerful evil artifact weapon trying to corrupt its wielders. Some sort of intelligent and memorable (Item that would be a downgrade for +5 Vicious Executioners Axe) weapon with an interesting,clever, but ultimately evil character.

    This would be a living trial for 空子's closely held believes, and a constant metaphysical representation of an unending fight between good and evil, that inhibits and wages even within the most morally righteous characters through the history of human narrative.

  4. For Evan

    28 is a +6 Tinkersuit
    27 is Bracers of Escape (epic)

    you can also give me anything you think is cool or thematic
