Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wish Lists, level 23

Per request last night, here's the post to post what you'd like for items this level.

(I think I might have misheard before we left, Sergei - let us know if you wanted a standard wish list from us, or if you wanted to know which item slots we wanted to fill.)


  1. Rook's standard-format wish list. Basically, trying to avoid daily item powers, as there's too many of these floating around now:

    24: Golden Ring of Teros (AV2) (because Rook needs help with defenses, and the daily power is okay... and hey, you did mention seeking out the set...)
    25: Brooch of Vitality +5 (AV1) (effective, useful, and not a daily power)
    -or- Belt of Titan Strength (AV1) (effective and useful, and the daily power is just a bonus)
    26: Amulet of Protection +6 (PHB) (hooray defenses)
    27: Great Hero's Gauntlets (AV2) (because Rook's action points need to be even scarier at level 24+)
    -or- Deep-Pocket Cloak +6 (AV2) (the item equivalent of Quick Draw? Yes please)

    If we're doing it by specific item slot instead of normal wish list, then I'd go for:
    in that order. Ideally, I'd like to go for static bonuses; I don't need any more items to keep track of. :)

  2. Xan's wishlist
    24: Planesplitter weapon +5 (manual of the planes)
    25: Lilting Songblade +5 (PHB2)
    26: Iron Armbands of Power (AV)
    27: Feytouched armor +6 (MoP) or Retribution weapon +6 (AV)


  3. For Evan, Slots needed are ring, cloak and weapon.

    Propellant Boots from AV2 are lvl 24, and something Evan wants.

  4. Slots Evan needs are weapon, cloak, and ring.

    What Evan wants are Propellant Boots from AV2 (lvl 24) and Artificers belt from AV2, but that is only lvl 21.

  5. Fear only needs a waist item, but he could upgrade his head, hands, and armor.

    Preferred items:
    25 Skull Mask (AV)
    25 Girdle of the Umber Hulk (AV) (Daily allows me to burrow through solid rock...that'll show those columns)

    26 Venom Gloves (AV) (yet another way to knock people out in 3 rounds...)

    27 Feytouched Starleather Armor +6 (MotP) (works well with my invisibility utility that I never manage to use)
