Sunday, June 21, 2009

Major Update!

More news has been recieved regarding the Elvara that have allegedly begun settling the northeastern region of our world. Gnollclaw Mountain has been completely changed. It is no longer a mountain but it has been flattened into a large plateu and the Elvara have begun constructing a settlement atop the plateu. According to the Elvara emissary, Andelthos Drethian, they have renamed the plateu "Balieth's Shield" named after their former king who was recently murdered. They have begun requesting trade with other nations and they have been exporting large amounts of stone and lumber to those who have agreed as well as importing other goods. Their economy seems to also be getting a boost from other goods that they craft. They have begun offering special tattoos to special clients and the tattoos seem to grant some special qualities to the person. They have also begun selling gems that are apparently blessed by some of their most powerful "drakes" who are often ridden by some of the Elvara, a detail they refuse to discuss.
After the recent tragedy that has befallen the Tiefling and Dragonborn empires they have also begun mobilizing their military, they have not revealed their intentions yet but the army has not yet gone anywhere.

Friday, June 19, 2009

List of open ended threats

As the party approaches epic tiers of the game, the question of what EPIC problems will the characters face in their final hours. I have made the liberty of writing down some open threats that are still lingering in the air. It may be useful and conclusive to use any one of these threats in the later adventures. It is even possible to conclude each one of these threats and leave lvl 29-30 as a capstone that will encompass them all in a final epic battle.

It just seems to me, if people want continuity, then reusing older bits will certainly help to pull the negative together. These threats are written as I remember them in MY MEMORY. If some of this is not correct, or if Im missing some threats, feel free to edit this post.

1: Shadowfell- The shadowfell invasion took place less then a year ago, when the dark realm invaded the ground above, spilling forth unholy demons and creatures from all around. Although a ritual was preformed to banish shadowfell, it only waits for a perfect opportunity

2: FeyWild Lich- Even after he was defeated, he may yet become a threat. Hes layer in the feywild has been raided, but he was able to stop the time while the party was attacking him, who knows what he could have accomplished in that time slot.

3: Red Dragon- The red dragon is still alive and must be very angry at the party for killing on of its children. In addition to the damage to the dragons family, a plague broke our around his living area destroying his food. THis may cause the dragon to seek out new sources of food.

4: Undeathly Traders- The four tradesman trapped the party and bargained with them. These undead creatures only survive to seek out and make profit for some unknown reason. They may want to buy out their own souls and that of the loved ones, or they may have a much more sinister plan in mind. In addition, a former party member tried to chase them down. He could have fallen pray and his life may be used as a bargaining chip.

5: Demons- THe party completely destroyed a demon tribe in the wastelands. Even if the demons are constantly fighting with each other, they may notice this act and band together. If not, a greater being might find his pets missing and will send out more evil forces to recover what is lost and pay back for the death of the minions.

6: Eladrin Empire- The party has stolen artifacts from the mighty Eladrin Empire, and one of their worst enemies traveled with the party for a while. This floating warmachine, might decide to get back the artifacts that were stolen, or invade the lower worlds.

7: The Device- Torture device has been left in the elfadrin homeland. Unsupervised, there is no telling to what horrors it may do to the local population.

8: Edilon- Standard unfinished outworld being that has a grudge against the party. Signature moves attacks: wraps sidewalks and plane shifts people.

9: Plague- A horrific decease has been engineered and spread out through the world. The party went to the nexus to deliver the deadly formula to Ebberk, who created this vile evil. As hundreds die, this plague may wipe out large portions of the populations unless something can be done to stop it.

10: Angel’s Wrath- As the party convinced a prominent angel leader to let them into the nexus, he swore to destroy them if they lied to him. The party did exactly that, and instead of saving the world as they promised, spread horrific disease through wolrd. Angel guards must now hold true to their word...

11: Sword of Kas- the artifact betrayer has traveled from a far realm into the world. Its only purpose is to betray its way back to its master. Even the party was unable to withstand its power, and unfortunately for everyone, the sword has escaped.

12: HUGE FUCKING SHARD OF ELDER EViL- The chaos shard is still in the gravitational pull of the world. It is full of evil, with dreadful creatures living on its surface and inside of it. Who knows what will happened when it swings around and circles the world one more time.

13: Altruis- Some party members made deal with this devil. The devil has been making party unto his minions on several occasions. What will he ask of them next?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A different map rendering

I think Sergei's is way, way better, imho :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Map rendering

Here is my Eberron style coloring of the map. Let me know, if this works for you guys, or if you want a different style or color map. I only rendered my piece of the pie, because I know what things are. Ill need to clarify a couple of the terrain features when Im doing the whole map.

This picture is clickable

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wuu Tai University: Lecture Notes

Scholar: .... As I was saying, immigration is very important to the world. Even from the recent events, can anyone tell me some recent immigration or movements of people?

Student 1: Are you talking about the modular people in that southern humans made?

Scholar: No, although that is also very curious issue, because we now see that life is not always as it seems. Living beings can in fact be made, and their creation will surely challenge many social norms. Anyone else?

Student 2: Elves from the fey-wild?

Scholar: Exactly. To be more specific, they are not from the fey-wild, bur rather from a small floating island above the fey-wild. Their descend into our world is a prime example of immigration and changes that these movements cause.

Student 1: Are you talking about the dwarven racism? What do the call themselves, something mountain....

Scholar: Yes, the racially motivated violence is part of it. We know that it wasn't these newcomers that are responsible for racial outbursts, but they are catalysis. The dwarves have been angry for a very long time, and elven immigration caused outbreaks. Mountain dwarves, or Kordas as they are commonly known, are mobilizing offenses against the elves. A military campaign has not yet taken place, but will most likely spark at the smallest cause.

Student 2: Its mostly about the money, isn't it?

Scholar: Partially. Because these immigrants have lived in a completely different and monetary less society, a need for profit drove the newcomers to find a specialty. These elves are able to produce arcane markings that infuse people will augmentative powers.

These marks work like magical tattoo's, but with much difference. Their marks can enhance businesses and combat prowess, and their relative easy and accessibility granted the elven immigrants with a steady flow of money. Jealousy and dwarven anger is likely correlated with their success....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Arcangrad Retainer Weekly

Ladies and Gentleman of the Old Empire and that of our blessed City of Arcangrad! Our enginsiums and datium masters have spent the last three years developing a treat for you! With the world constantly changing: necrotic plague breaking up north, dragonborn war with the tieflings, and immigrants coming from the feywild into our "lower worlds."

Fear no more friends. You will no longer have to rely on unstable and outside help. No more need to higher brutish half orcs and giants for self protection, no more need for snobby and questionable help from eladrin, no need for zealous dragon born.

Introducing the modulated servitors! We have finished our workings on a new type of servants. Humanoid, incredibly complex machines, and very loyal, these modulated servants will be hired out exclusively to the Old Empire's Citizens.

If you need of a perfect body guard or a soldier, hire out a loyal and disciplined war-modulated. Or if you of need of holy works or religious services, hire a divine modulated servant. In addition future models of psychic-modulated, arcane-modulated, and so on.

In only a few weeks, the contracts will be sold to the Empire's Citizens. As the datium masters explain, the modulated complexity is incredible and the modulated themselves will be given rights of any other living. Maybe not as much respect as Old Empire's human population, which is and always be a superior form of life, but these beings will be free. However their lack of need to eat or sleep, their loyalty, and their exclusive contracts for the humans, will make them into our own.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wishlist for Xanaphia

just went through and found a bunch of things that i would want of each level

lvl 14:
+3 bloodcut armor (phb pg 227)
bloodthirst bracers (vault pg 114)
ring of fireblazing (vault pg 158)

lvl 15:
ring of freedom of movement (phb pg 251)
+3 trollskin armor (phb pg 231)
+3 flaming scimitar (phb pg 234)
quickhit bracers (vault pg 118)
premonition ring (vault pg 157)
saphire scabbard (vault pg 176)

lvl 17:
+4 sunleaf armor (phb pg 231)
+4 vicious scimitar (phb pg 236)
belt of sacrifice (phb pg 252)
+4 wildleaf armor (vault pg 55)
+4 parrying scimitar (vault pg 74)
razor bracers (vault pg 119)
ring of vigilant defense (vault pg 162)

Wish List for Casabon

1) +4 Wildleaf Feyhide Armor (level 17)
2) Cold Iron Bracers (level 16)
3) Crown of Nature's Rebellion (level 15)
4) Winter's Grasp Totem +3 (level 14)
5) Abyssal Adorment +3 (level 13)