Friday, June 4, 2010

In Which Nowhere is Reassured


"Don't talk to me like that, talk out loud."


"Her people do that now. It creeps me out."

"Well you have to admit it's convenient."

Nowhere stood in a darkened room, comfortable for tiefling eyes. Faint rays of gray dusklight filtered through shuttered windows, highlighting a map of the City of Doors resting on a desk. Various colored inks outlined territories and routes through the streets. In the darkness beyond, he could see the shape of his seated ally.

"Here's five more names. And the location of another portal. I've never even heard of this one before." Nowhere handed over a folded parchment. After a moment, red hands appeared over the desk, using a quill to draw a new circle on the map before retreating back into the gloom.

"Excellent work, Nowhere. Here's the money for your informants. Are you sure you're paying them enough to keep quiet? Maybe you should take some extra." Several platinum coins clacked onto the desk, shining with reflected gray light. "I want her closest people, this time. Her personal associates."

Nowhere paused, taking a moment to stare at the outline of his employer's face.

"Your reward is coming soon. We're almost ready."

"Are you going to kill her?"

The darkness was silent. Nowhere waited long seconds before asking again.

"Is that a yes?"

Still, the man in shadow made no indication.

"You have to let me do it."

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted to get out. How do you plan to do that if you're dead?"

"You need someone to help."

"I already have a team. She'll kill you, Nowhere."

"I have just as much right to revenge as you. Things have gotten worse since you left, and even more since you came back."

The man at the desk considered for a moment. "Alright, I'll see if there's something you can do."

Nowhere took the coins, cool in his hands, and walked out into the fading gray dusk.

1 comment:

  1. The jackal folded her hands behind her back and gazed out to the dirty, fading sky. Almost antipeak.

    "Madam. Preparations have been completed. I think you'll be pleased with the results. I've combined th-"

    "I'm well aware of your plans. You've been bragging about them to me every chance you've had. Like you brag about certain other things that noone would be pleased with."

    The eladrin looked away, and cleared his throat.

    "What you should be doing is finding out who spilled the chant about my backdoor to Hestavar. I want them thrown off the ring."

    "I anticipated your desires, Madam. Already done."

    "At least you're useful for something." That was about as close to a compliment as Urviel would ever hear.

    "Thank you, Madam. Should the portal be destroyed?"

    "No. No need to draw so much attention. But I can tell you what should be." The jackal narrowed her eyes at the serrated skyline. "He has a brother here. Or a cousin. Or a nephew. Or a very close friend, I don't care which."

    Urviel didn't speak. He knew the Madam's quirks; she wished to go into detail.

    "He's the informant I want. I want his name. I want the names of his friends. I want to know where he sleeps. I want him. If we get him, we can use him to get to the one I really want."

    "And when you have what you really want?"

    The jackal turned her gaze to her servant.

    "Are you going to kill him?"

    Shemeska did not reply. Urviel waited for a time.

    "Is that a yes?"

    Silence. She turned her eyes back to the window.

    "I would be honored to accept the task in your place, Madam."

    "Don't flatter yourself. You're more amusing to me alive than dead."

    "He will bring powerful friends."

    "As will I. On that topic, go make yourself presentable. I'm entertaining some rather useful guests tonight in preparation for our next gala, and you should get to know them."

    "As you command, Madam." The eladrin glided out of the room. Shemeska remained, still gazing out her window at the empty sky.

    When I'm through with you, they'll think the Lady herself flayed you alive. There won't be enough of you left to fit in a tindertwig box.

    You might even be dead by then.
