Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ability to DM / Level 25 wish list

Since votes have not yet been cast for a side game, I can confirm that I am ready and able to DM our level 25 adventure, if another game has not yet been agreed upon or prepared. If needs be, I can complete level 25, and we can start a side game before Brian's level 26/27 adventure.

On the 4E note, it's that time again - wish lists. If you have an item you'd like, post it up - ideally, you'll give me one item for levels 26 thru 29, and bold the one you want most out of the lot. You can also let me know what general piece of equipment you'd like, and I'll improvise.


  1. Xans wishlist

    26: Iron bands of power
    27: Ring of the Pheonix
    28: Ioun stone of true sight
    29: +6 Voidhide laughing death armor

  2. For Evan:

    26: Something neat; cool rituals could also be nice to find
    27: A Mummified Hand
    28: Swordwing Leather Tinkersuit +6
    29: Either Opal Ring of Remembrance or Ring of Free Time

  3. 26: Distance Hand Crossbow +6 (AV) (hooray final ranged weapon)

    27: Iron of Spite (PHB) (autodamage when people melee me)

    I'd really like the crossbow since it's my last chance before I'll have to buy it, but otoh I got an item last level. I could also use a +5 or +6 replacement neck item. Movement properties/powers are always nice.

  4. Lvl 29 (Cloak of Autumn's Child) Digital S.T.E.A.L.T.H. field emitter with the extended visual relays.

    Lvl 28; (shadowflow armor) K-L12 Imperial Scout Trooper Armor

    Lvl 27: (BoltShard crossbow) double MK 7 advanced Bolt Repeater, with a modified XL-2 duel feeding chamber

    Lvl 26: (Violet Solitare) Automated Adrenaline Injector
