Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nerf Alerts, March '10

March 2010 update

Once again, only the most relevant nerfs are noted... but we got hit pretty hard this time.  Funny how so much of the stuff we latch onto gets quickly errata'd.

Divine Miracle: Holy crap was it nerfed.  No longer allows infinite recharging of encounter powers - now you can only do it once per encounter.  Demigod and Chosen just got raeped.

Boots of Eagerness: Also raeped.  No longer a free action - now you need a minor action to activate it.

Solitaires: Are now a daily item power, not an encounter item power.  This mostly hits Xan and Rook, especially Rook who was looking forward to action-point spamming with the Violet Solitaire.

Potion of Clarity: Officially and utterly destroyed.  Uses a daily item power, and is only useful for encounter and daily powers that are of the potion's level or below.

To be honest, yeah, I was fully prepared to abuse the hell out of these potions for the next ten levels, and it's probably for the best that I don't get to now.

The Expertise Feats: These are now feat bonuses instead of untyped - and in exchange, a lot of other feats that would offer to-hit bonuses are now untyped.  Mostly this is just gonna be a little bit of paperwork to make sure that everything's being counted right.

Timeless Locket: Brutalized.  You can no longer use the granted standard action to make an attack.

Diamond Cincture: You now have to actually spend the healing surge to use the belt.  Not too bad, it's just that now we can't buy like fifty of the level 10 version and have free healing forever.

In conclusion - sux.


  1. Don't forget Lasting Frost; it now only applys to one enemy hit by the attack, and after the attack is resolved.

  2. Blech. Lasting Frost doesn't even seem worth it anymore.
