Sunday, January 17, 2010

Renaissance de la Sole

Epic Destiny Class.
Prerequisite: 21st level character.

Beacon of Light Feature (Level 21): Your body ignites, radiating strong radiant light that illuminates the surroundings and grows exponentially to your power. You gain +2 Wisdom and you radiate light 20 squares out that pierces magical darkness. You can suppress and change the light and its form as a free action. The light glows as follows:
21-22: 20 squares
23-24: 30 squares
25-26: 45 squares
27-28: 70 squares
29+ : 100 squares

Radiant Nova (level 24): First time you die each day, your body and all of your possessions explode in a microscopic event horizon. All enemies that are affected or touched by your Beacon of Light take unpreventable 1 point of radiant damage and are blinded (save ends). All allies that are in the Beacon of light gain your healing surge value worth of hit points without having to spend a healing surge. You are then reborn in a column of brilliant light at the end of the encounter with maximum hit points and a refreshing outlook on life.

Archon of Radiant Light (level 30): You expand and your body loses mass, becoming a large super heated energy being. Change your creature type to immortal, gain 20 fire, necrotic, and radiant resistance. All attacks that you make deal radiant damage. You no longer have to eat, drink, or sleep (Although you still need to take extended rests, which constitute of relative inactivity) and you gain 360 degree sight (making it impossible to gain Combat Advantage by flanking) You also gain aura of Burning light:Enemy creatures that enter or start their turn within aura 5 take 15 points of unpreventable radiant damage, 10 enemies take unpreventable 10 points of radiant damage, 15 enemies take 5 points of unpreventable damage. (Remember that Aura of burning light only affects an enemy once and therefore can only take 15, 10, or 5 points of radiant damage.

Utility lvl 26 ??????


  1. Long story short: looks good to me.

    Short story long: anything by Ayn Rand.

    Beacon of Light: It's been voiced that piercing magical darkness sorta ruins things for some creatures who use darkness as a special ability (black dragon, drow, etc.) Personally, I don't think this is a great big deal; at this level, Blind-Fight is only a feat away, and blindsense is just a 9,000 gp elixir away. Negating problems caused by darkness is perfect for a level 21 feature, comparable to the Warmaster who completely negates surprise rounds. Solid feature.

    Radiant Nova: I think this one could use a buff. As it stands at the moment, it cuts you out of the rest of combat for an encounter, something that very very few other "get out of death free" powers have to put up with. I'm not sure how to work this in rules, since no other features do this yet, but this is the way I'd say to do it:
    Turn whenever: You die

    Your turn comes up, and you're still dead: Nova

    Next time your turn comes up: You get back up at bloodied value

    This way, when you die you get a single turn triggering your nova, and then on your next turn you fully rejoin combat.

    Archon of Radiant Light: The "enter or start" aura part might get confusing with creature movement. Other "enter or start" auras don't have multiple layers of damage-y goodness to deal with; this one is going to have a lot of issues with enemies starting further out, entering further in, taking damage at the start and then later in their turns, etc. Lots of potential for confusion for the DM.

    Then again, you're DMing for 30th level, so you'll be keeping track of it. :) And regardless of that, it's a capstone, so any confusion that we get due to aura layers is only going to last for a single level. So the auras might be an issue, but I don't think it'll be one we have to worry about too much.

    Utility power: These are a little generic, but here's a few ideas:
    -Daily: All allies in close burst (whatever) deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage with their attacks for the rest of the encounter.
    -Encounter: One enemy in close burst (whatever) becomes vulnerable radiant 10 until the end of your next turn. (allowing allies to add to the pain, and you to get 2-3 attacks in for +30 damage in a round) (This one might be a little light on the damage - might be better if it's vulnerability equal to half your level.)
    -Daily: Create an close burst (whatever) zone centered on you, that moves with you; all enemies in the zone are lit from inside and grant combat advantage until the end of the encounter.

    (Note: lots of these are close bursts; I figure a close burst utility would be fitting, given what you are.)

  2. I am not sure what you mean by your aura can only do damage once, and the 5/10/15 can be confusing. Also, the dammage should not be unpreventable.

    As for the resistances you get at 30, I don't think having 20 to three diffrent types, especially the two most common ones, is balanced.

    The can't be flanked is odd, but it could also be flavorful to be immune to blindness, but not both.
