Saturday, January 1, 2011

pre-halo stuff

June 23rd, 2530
The UNSC (United Nations Space Command) has been at war with the Covenant for only 5 years, but the war has claimed millions of lives. Meanwhile the Insurrectionists, human colonists who wish to become independent from the UNSC, have still been causing problems for the UNSC and have forced them to fight a two-front war.

Your characters will be part of a ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) unit under the command of Major Antonio Silva, and First Lieutenant Melissa McKay, currently stationed on the UNSC cruiser Apophis in orbit over Paris IV.

It has received a distress call from the UNSC destroyer Agincourt, who has been attacked by insurrectionists over the planet Victoria, in the 111 Tauri System. Aiding and/or recovering the Agincourt becomes a high priority because the ship was armed with several nuclear warheads. The last time Insurrectionists got a hold of a nuclear device, they detonated it inside a residential building on Mamore, killing over 2 million, and wounding 8.5 million, becoming the the worst terrorist attack in human history.

If you have any questions just post a comment, or send me an email. You could also go the the Halopedia I would recommend some rope or breadcrumbs though to find your way out lol.

Oh and one last thing..... FIRST POST OF 2011! LOLOLOLOL

1 comment:

    I call dibs on playing space jack bauer
