Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pieter, Diamond Soul

Pieter is a Diamond Soul monk.  He seeks to attain true mastery over his fighting techniques. Normally, once a monk achieves this they have little use for the mortal world, but Pieter was raised to protect the Wash, so he will probably become its guardian. Though Pieter has ceased to age, true immortality comes from the monks who come to study his techniques and unique philosophy, and the monasteries that pop up to convey his teachings over the generations.

Pieter's strong points include his determination to see something through, especially if the wise elders of the Wash monastery tell him it needs doing. He also has no fear of challenge, being almost stupidly brave, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and nothing has killed me so far." And of course he's very good at taking on multiple enemies at once.

The downsides to these being: once he's set on doing something, it's hard to convince him to change the plan; he is not scared of things that really could kill him; and his martial style's weakness is single, tough foes. In addition, he has worked alone for most of his life, having outclassed his teachers, so he tends to think only of himself and his concerns, both in and out of combat. Another weakness is knowledge of the world outside the Wash, where he grew up living in isolation with his surrogate parents, the monks. He is somewhat naive and relies on his teachers for guidance and wisdom.

Pieter (Good) would be a god of discipline and protection of the natural world. Bodyguards, wardens, some elves, and some monks worship him, as well as those wishing to improve themselves despite their past. His teachings are thus: -Obey your teacher and master in all things, for they have a higher perspective from which to guide you. -Focus on making your current actions the right actions, regardless of risk. The past is unchangeable; the present is most important, for it is here that you can improve yourself.  -Safeguard your environment and the important people in it, for your environment is you, and through its cultivation you cultivate yourself.

Although he doesn't have a particular desire to become a deity, if given the option to ascend or become an exarch, he probably would. Otherwise he plans to return to the Wash, most likely to live forever as the Ukrakta and maintain it against incursion.

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