Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fear's Year

Fear spends a couple months helping rebuild Sigil after the war. A lot of people were hurt and some sections of the city were damaged over the months of hostilities, particularly towards the end as violence escalated. Fear basically takes over Shameska's assets and uses them to compensate those affected. (This is not only the right thing to do, it's good PR.) The remainder of the year is spent furthering his business endeavors, here described:

Aside from property and other wealth, Shameska also had quite a bit of "human capital." Many of her people had to either be put down or run out of Sigil, but many agreed to either peacefully go their own way or work for Fear. Also, Fear had almost a small army of agents, hitmen, etc., which are no longer needed. What to do with all of these skilled individuals? Put them to work! Fear starts a security/guardsman/bodyguard business, hiring his employees out to clients in Sigil and beyond. (After all, crime is bad for business.)

The 'security' sector only makes up a small portion of Fear's business, however. His real strong suit is opening up new markets, coming up with new products, and generally creating opportunities. Let's take these one at a time:

Fear begins by taking volunteers from his security forces (see above) and leading them through a portal. The portal usually leads somewhere either known to be hostile or previously unexplored. If there are any natives potentially interested in doing business or some other reason to maintain access to the portal, Fear and his team clear the portal and the path to it of any hostile forces. This is often easier said than done, but the volunteer teams receive hazard pay for their service, in addition to the already generous benefits package offered to all of Fear's employees. Once the portal is secure, Fear opens the area for trading, tourism, industry, etc. Oftentimes Fear's own interests will take precedence here, e.g. selling products to the native population (see next section), but sometimes other interested businesses will utilize the portal and location as well. Obviously Fear takes a cut here for finding the place and securing it, generally by means of a tax on goods and travel through the portal. Now ideally, the portal will lead to an isolated world with a large friendly population (e.g. the Shard), but sometimes other opportunities present themselves...bringing me to the other major portion of Fear's business, R&D.

Research and development of new products and services is a key part of Fear's business strategy. As the Stormcrows have seen, Fear has a keen eye for marketable products. (See e.g. the black sending stones, the magnetic dust trap, and most famously the dragon meat.) Often when a portal fails to lead to a receptive market, it will yet serve up some useful resource to be exploited. In the case of mineral wealth or other such, Fear generally leaves it to industrialists (though still takes his usual cut). However, the real value comes from materials that inspire some product, or which possess some unique properties. Fear will have small quantities of these exported back to his various R&D people (both arcane and mundane). Fear invests heavily in academia as well as industrial research teams. Should a resource prove to be desirable, large-scale harvesting and manufacturing can begin, making new products available for distribution along the trade network.

Thus Fear spends the rest of his year. Actually he took the Lady at her word and stays out of Sigil for the most part, with Nowhere serving as his proxy. Most of his time is spent, not exploring directly from Sigil, but looking for further portals in those worlds, to extend the network. Between trips he occasionally stops by Wu-tai and the Shard and keeps in touch, though in the latter couple of months he has spent more time exploring solo and has not been heard from often.

Ah, and you may be wondering at the fate of the Fearful Dragon, that most popular Sigil restaurant, since the supply of dragon meat from the Shard dried's still in business, and still serving the best dragon in town whenever there is dragon to be had. The rest of the time it specializes in unique and exotic foods from newly opened portals. You should see the gift shop.

tl;dr Fear rebuilt Sigil and explored portals for fun and profit

Also if you have an idea for how Fear could become more connected to your character and/or the Stormcrows, let's try to work it in.

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