Monday, June 21, 2010

Tell Us About Your Character (Hasha Sa Fett)

Hasha Sa Fett

Born into a clan of mercenary warriors from island called Mandalore in the Elemental chaos, Hasha Sa Fett traveled with his father Jangasha Sa Fett. While working for a Elemental Emperor, a small resistance has been building up to oppose the tyrannical rule of elemental lighting’s domination. A band of highly skilled psionic spell blades revolted against Imperial rule, and in a major strike, killed Jangasha Sa Fett.

Hasha Sa Fett has taken up his fathers mantle and became a bounty hunter, learning from the clan the mercenary trade. Traveling from world to world and plane to plane, working as a mercenary, finding hard targets and bringing them to the justice of the highest bidder.

Making friends and accountancies across the ‘verse, and building his name, Hasha Sa Fett has quickly risen to be one of the more well known bounty hunters, he began funding his own search for psionic spell blades and systematically killing them. This project became well known as project 66.

Arrogant, sarcastic, and often deserving of this high self opinion, Hasha Sa Fett makes use of technological marvel, and often learns tricks from his targets. Completely a moral, Hasha Sa Fett believes in the morality of money and connections. The only thing being more important then wealth or fame, Hasha Sa Fett believes in challange and sometimes will undergo a hunt specifically for the difficulty, even with a relative low pay out.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fear Comic

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Game postponement for June 12

We had another veterinary emergency to deal with... this one looks like it's going to be less nasty (and less costly) to us, but I'm gonna have to keep an eye on our big cat for the weekend. My apologies for the short notice; I'll be able to start the level 25 adventure next week.

Friday, June 4, 2010

In Which Nowhere is Reassured


"Don't talk to me like that, talk out loud."


"Her people do that now. It creeps me out."

"Well you have to admit it's convenient."

Nowhere stood in a darkened room, comfortable for tiefling eyes. Faint rays of gray dusklight filtered through shuttered windows, highlighting a map of the City of Doors resting on a desk. Various colored inks outlined territories and routes through the streets. In the darkness beyond, he could see the shape of his seated ally.

"Here's five more names. And the location of another portal. I've never even heard of this one before." Nowhere handed over a folded parchment. After a moment, red hands appeared over the desk, using a quill to draw a new circle on the map before retreating back into the gloom.

"Excellent work, Nowhere. Here's the money for your informants. Are you sure you're paying them enough to keep quiet? Maybe you should take some extra." Several platinum coins clacked onto the desk, shining with reflected gray light. "I want her closest people, this time. Her personal associates."

Nowhere paused, taking a moment to stare at the outline of his employer's face.

"Your reward is coming soon. We're almost ready."

"Are you going to kill her?"

The darkness was silent. Nowhere waited long seconds before asking again.

"Is that a yes?"

Still, the man in shadow made no indication.

"You have to let me do it."

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted to get out. How do you plan to do that if you're dead?"

"You need someone to help."

"I already have a team. She'll kill you, Nowhere."

"I have just as much right to revenge as you. Things have gotten worse since you left, and even more since you came back."

The man at the desk considered for a moment. "Alright, I'll see if there's something you can do."

Nowhere took the coins, cool in his hands, and walked out into the fading gray dusk.