Monday, November 23, 2009

The Theory of Natural Dominance

Sakuto University

Professor Charles Narwin

The Theory of Natural Dominance

Fellow scholars and practicing archaists, I have been in touch with many of you, and my theory of selective natural survival, or Natural Dominance has been a subject of much debate. I wish to offer a counter argument to the Wu Tai University’s Isaac Kolin. You say that the spread of the D.W. Jungle is an act against nature, and its spread will destroy all the different plant forms on the shard. That the spread of D.W. Jungle is essentially an evil act. However, is it not the dominance and spread of humanoid raced across the shard, complete and utter dominance of our livestock similar in its pure essense? Humanoid races, such as homo-sapiens, homo-elvenian, homo-hobgoblinius, and etc, spread through the shard destroying any and all species opposing them without even a second thought? Is it not considered an evil act to kill displacer beasts by thousands, if they chose to hunt down a humanoid creature for food? It is not considered evil that the homo-elvenian eladira wiped out many hundreds of magical beast species in the feywild, so they could live unthreatened?

So, I say to you Sir Isaac Kolin of the Wu Tai University, that humanoid creatures are exactly the same in as the D.W. Jungle. This force of nature sweeps across the shard, and shapes the world how it sees fit for its own purpose. Perhaps when the sentient jungle reaches the same capacity as the humanoid races, it will chose to destroy homo-elvenian species for killing almost all of the homo-elvenian drowasi. Or it will find pity and allow small portions of a deciduous forests or desert ecology to grow. It is after all, the humanoid races that send out kill squads of adventures that travel the multiverse, kill and slaughter anything that gets in the way, and collect whatever bounty that they set their eyes on at the time. As far as we know, this D.W. Jungle is only trying to expand for a sense of survival, which is admirable for humanoid, but heretical for a non humanoid race.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We've been nerfed!

Rules updates for 4th Edition:

Items of interest:

Sorako: Bloodclaw Weapon got nerfed from "At Will" to "Encounter".  Bad news: that's gonna kill our damage output.  Good news: Sorako gets an intervention for his self-destructive behavior. :P (As consolation, you only use the power if you hit; no damaged-on-a-miss effect here.)

David: The "Brutal Enchantment" got nerfed down to a maximum of brutal 1, and doesn't affect already-brutal weapons.  So much for stack-overflowing dagger attacks.

Rook: Agile Opportunist's forced-movement opportunity attacks got changed into immediate reactions.  Looks like I'm not taking that feat after all.

Friday, November 13, 2009

lvl 18 loot sneak peak.

Crimson Gauntlets lvl 21 (Unique. You may only wield one unique item)

Hands Slot item (Rogues may not equip this item)

Properties: you gain +2 item bonus to stealth, whenever you have C.A. your to hit bonus is +3 instead of regular +2. (At level 21 this bonus is +4)

Encounter: Free Action. If you hit against a target granting you C.A. you may deal sneak attack damage as through you were a rogue of equivalent level.

Daily: Free Action. Until the end of this turn, you may make basic attacks using minor actions. You can apply sneak attack damage on one of these attacks, even if you do not have C.A. The sneak attack does not count against the items encounter use, or against sneak attack from any other source, such as multi classing or other means.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tavern Tales for the Stormcrows

Two days after the Stormcrows depart for Balieth's Shield, New Arkosha has receives a flight of gold and silver dragons recently, and the leadership of the city is currently entertaining the guests under a heavy cloak of secrecy. Rumors spread that something significant is afoot.

Two days later, six dwarvish engineers and a cadre of three hundred dwarvish laborers descend from the Holds and arrive in Wu Tai. There they meet with the Archmage of the College and proceed to take an airship to New Arkosha.

In Kellie, the Great Oak has grown seventy feet in one week. The druids protecting it have been pruning it and sending the wood overland to Gods' Union. From there, many humans have been seen floating the wood down the river Corellai to Rock Oematt via the Jannaswash. The Stone Guards of the Rocks have begun outfitting a massive section of the harbor for airship construction. The planned drydock appears to be larger than any in known history.

Very serious threats have arisen in the trade network of the halflings.

Dragons have been observed fighting high in the air all around the Shard.

Rumblings in the earth near the newly raised volcanos have got many tieflings and dragonborn retreating from these areas, fearing another invasion.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hey Crow's !

This is Nathan Highwater. I know you guys are often busy with saving the world and whatnot, probably on some great adventure. Knowing you its probably something outrageously epic like hunting a Tarasque or waging war on some Super Evil Devil. But here in the East, near the great swamp were having some problems. Normally I would bother you with smaller stuff, but this seems of a larger caliber.

Some sort of plague or outbreak. Nothing big or dangerous at first. As the time progressed, its been getting worse and worse. People were getting sick, now they are dying. They are dying faster and faster, spreading some sort of gas out of their lungs when they die. And now some joker showed up on a large black dragon and proclaimed himself the king of the jokers. Doesnt seem so bad tho, his dragon is unhealthy, skin is sagging, bones are pocking through. As far as dragons go, id say hes almost dead, shouldnt be a problem for you, at least the way my cousin described you guys.

This fool flies around and tries to look damn cool with his used dragon, and some fancy sword that he keeps talking to, yelling at it to "Shut the hell up" and "NO, i DONT know who KAS is, and I dont GIVE a DAMN if he is coming"

Hobgoblins have brought down their legions and were tackling the problem for a while, but most have left, and the rest wonder around in the swamp blabbing gibberish.

Im not sure if its a good thing, or a bad thing, but a bunch of winged dudes showed up and set up camp within the forrest. They arent to bothered about what mother nature intended, because they burn and seed the ground with salt around their camp. Often they go out and burn things.

This is probably nothing, but some sort of Jungle like growth has been appearing in the Forrest. Its unlike we have seen before, growing where ever it wants. Definitely not from around here, because it almost looks like its changing the landscape around it.

Like I said many problems we got here. If things dont get better, were going to move the camp down the river a bit, cant afford getting any more of our people sick. Cousin flies his toy around the forrest trying to figure out whats going on. Needless to say, he will probably get reelected, Named his boat Planet Express for some reason. No idea what planet is...

Anyway, if you are in the neighborhood, come visit us.

Nathan Highwater.

(The letter looks crumpled and weakened by the elements, with some evidence of some insects trying to make it into lunch. The date places this letter several weeks ago from the current date)