Sakuto University
Professor Charles Narwin
The Theory of Natural Dominance
Fellow scholars and practicing archaists, I have been in touch with many of you, and my theory of selective natural survival, or Natural Dominance has been a subject of much debate. I wish to offer a counter argument to the Wu Tai University’s Isaac Kolin. You say that the spread of the D.W. Jungle is an act against nature, and its spread will destroy all the different plant forms on the shard. That the spread of D.W. Jungle is essentially an evil act. However, is it not the dominance and spread of humanoid raced across the shard, complete and utter dominance of our livestock similar in its pure essense? Humanoid races, such as homo-sapiens, homo-elvenian, homo-hobgoblinius, and etc, spread through the shard destroying any and all species opposing them without even a second thought? Is it not considered an evil act to kill displacer beasts by thousands, if they chose to hunt down a humanoid creature for food? It is not considered evil that the homo-elvenian eladira wiped out many hundreds of magical beast species in the feywild, so they could live unthreatened?
So, I say to you Sir Isaac Kolin of the Wu Tai University, that humanoid creatures are exactly the same in as the D.W. Jungle. This force of nature sweeps across the shard, and shapes the world how it sees fit for its own purpose. Perhaps when the sentient jungle reaches the same capacity as the humanoid races, it will chose to destroy homo-elvenian species for killing almost all of the homo-elvenian drowasi. Or it will find pity and allow small portions of a deciduous forests or desert ecology to grow. It is after all, the humanoid races that send out kill squads of adventures that travel the multiverse, kill and slaughter anything that gets in the way, and collect whatever bounty that they set their eyes on at the time. As far as we know, this D.W. Jungle is only trying to expand for a sense of survival, which is admirable for humanoid, but heretical for a non humanoid race.