Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hiatus from game

I'm going to be taking leave from the next few game sessions; at the moment, I don't know just when I'll be returning.

The game environment has gotten a little too hostile for me to be comfortable. It's not any single person, but a number of things all taken together over a long period of time, and to be honest, I'm not seeing it going away any time soon. I like this group, and I like everyone in it - but right now, the levels of anger and aggression both in game and out of it are getting overwhelming. With stress coming from family, money, and my job, including stress from the games I play for fun with friends is too much for me.

I'm sorry for attending sporadically these past few weeks, and I'm especially sorry for having to step out like this. Again, I'm not sure when I'm going to feel up for game again, but I'll let everyone know if and when I'm ready to come in again.