Sunday, August 30, 2009


Officer/s: Honorable City Watchmen Xadin, Zalma, Damon

Date and Time: 17th Raijin, Second Hour

SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: Responded to multiple reports of light from the sky and shaking of the earth. Civilian cries of alarm led to tenement tower at 58th Still Grove, near Fae Playground. Considerable damage to property; no casualties reported.

EVIDENCE: Object is a grey stone roughly 2 meters in height, estimated weight 800 kilograms. Object is cool to touch. Object seems to glow faintly when in near or total darkness, but appears mundane otherwise. Object is witnessed to have "fallen from the sky" and struck the Still Grove tenement without warning. Requested presence of Respectable City Arcanist Lormora to evaluate.

DETERMINATION: Object is of unknown material, and radiates faint aura of unknown nature. Object origins unknown. Object purpose unknown. Determined not to be of harmful nature.

OUTCOME: Residents of damaged tenements granted public housing until their homes or an equivalent new home opened for them. After consultation with Respectable City Arcanist Lormora, object is to remain at point of discovery until further notice, to avoid damage of object or surrounding tenements.

Addendum: Humble City Representatives dispatched to locate "Stormcrows" mercenary group for consultation. If they're caught up in this elemental end-of-the-world war, though, we may just be wasting our time.

-I don't think even they'll know what the hell it is --Respectable Lormora